viscosity function

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  1. According to hemorheology theory, this article through HCT and the blood viscosity and bloods to submit stress of function relation elaborated the EPO to serious bane of the athlete.
  2. In order to improving accuracy and efficiency in viscosity measurement system for non-Newtonian fluid, the function of delay capture has been designed to measure Shear Rate.
  3. Objective To investigate the relationship of blood viscosity and endothelial function in cardiac muscls injury rats.
  4. Correcting Model of Viscosity with Exponential Function Derived and Its Application
  5. Objective To investigate the influence of treatment with milkvetch root and red sage root injections on changes in blood viscosity and renal function in patients with early diabetic nephropathy ( EDN).
  6. In the current commercial simulators for water drive reservoirs, the oil viscosity is treated as a unary function of pressure without considering other factors 'effect.
  7. Experimental results indicate: fly ash has not only viscosity increase function, but also particles reinforced function, because of oxide and mullite in the fly ash, in which the oxide particle quartz and melting aluminum have happened in-situ reaction.
  8. Beginning with the fundamental principles of the device, this paper reveals the paraffin control and viscosity break mechanisms, function and adaptability of the device.
  9. The FR lubricant fulfils the service requirements of the high temperature viscosity, lubrication performance and protective function for finish forge, extrusion, and moulding of Ti alloy parts.
  10. In the equation, differential viscosity and the first normal stress difference function were defined to specify the rheological properties of non-Newtonian medium, squeeze item was used to specify the effect of dynamic load.
  11. On the basis of fluid motion equations, the rationality of the Boussinesq hypothesis is discussed, and the physical meaning of the eddy viscosity coefficient and its function in numerical simulation are described.
  12. The apparent viscosity, reductive viscosity, coefficient of the power function and the calculative apparent viscosity while the hematocrit was 40%, were compared.
  13. After an induced period the complex viscosity rises as an exponential function of time, which is the characteristics of first-order reactions.
  14. We considered that ILIB could be related with increasing RBC deformability, decreasing whole blood viscosity and improving lung function.
  15. The effect of Carthamus tinctorius injection on blood viscosity, function of platelet, anticoagulation and fibrinolysis of the patient with cor pulmonale
  16. Conclusion: Tonifying Qi and invigorating blood decoction is able to treat coronary heart disorder. Its mechanism may be related to eliminate blood viscosity and fibrinogen, increase left heart function and coronary artery blood stream quantity, improve blood insufficiency supply of heart muscle and oxygen.
  17. Ticlopidine vs aspirin in decreasing blood viscosity and anti_platelet function
  18. Solubility function, viscosity function and dewatering effect of six kinds of polyacrylamide have been comparatively studied.
  19. Conclusion Hushen capsule could reduce notably excretory rate of urine trace albumin, which could improve the blood viscosity, hyperlipidemia and renal function.
  20. Conclusion Jintejia is of benefit in lowering blood viscosity and improving renal function in senile patients with chronic renal failure.
  21. Conclusion: The mechanism of Scorpion Venom restraining the blood coagulation probably function are that Scorpion Venom reduce blood viscosity and affects the function of blood coagulation factors.
  22. The results showed that the viscosity of the emulsion is a function of volume fraction of dispersing phase and drop size;
  23. Engineering properties of the asphalt mastic such as penetration, penetration index, softening point, ductility, and viscosity were observed as a function of type and content of mineral filler used.
  24. But it has no statistical Significance to the improvement of blood viscosity(η) and microcycle function.
  25. In the paper, the factors that influence ferromagnetic fluid viscosity are analyzed, and the function relationship between ferromagnetic fluid viscosity and its controlling parameters is deduced.
  26. Objective: To observe the influences of small dose heparin on blood viscosity, coagulative function, and blood gas analysis in patients with acutely deteriorative stage of cor pulmonale.
  27. AIM: To observe the effects of dan-shen root, which has the functions of supplementing qi, nourishing yin and activating blood circulation, improving blood viscosity and organic immunity, on the blood viscosity, blood lipid metabolism and visual function in patients suffered from diabetic retinopathy.
  28. The mixture dispensing temperature was fixed at 60 ℃ according to the changes of the viscosity of compound fruit-vegetable drinks as a function of temperature, which had little effect on the nutrition, the color and the flavor of products.
  29. The main contents are as follows: 1.The use of hollow cylinder-type viscometer and the Suffered in the hollow cylinder torque and viscosity as a certain function. Developed a flexible hollow cylindrical structure of fiber Bragg grating hollow cylinder-type viscometer.
  30. On the other hand, because of the existence of effective viscosity, the weak gel had the function of displacement ( movable).